Allied Express Courier

To help you find the right courier service for your needs, our services are split into four categories;

  • Normal Courier Service
  • VIP Courier Service
  • Executive Courier Service
  • Gold Courier Service

All of our couriers services are coordinated through professionally staffed control rooms in all major capitals. These facilities employ up-to-the-minute communications, processing and messaging technology to track the fleet.

Under this system, jobs are allocated, prioritised and then monitored through to delivery to the customers ultimate satisfaction.

Normal Courier Service

Normal Courier Service delivery times vary depending on the courier driver's load and while a four-hour pick-up - delivery cycle is aimed for wherever possible, this is essentially an economical same-day courier service and is relegated behind the more urgent categories. Deliveries are tracked internally for quality-assurance purposes but do not attract a 'customer-alert' service.

Standard Courier Service delivery times vary depending on driver load but the fastest possible delivery cycle is adhered to wherever possible. This courier service is relegated behind the more urgent deliveries which take precedence.

VIP Courier Service

With our VIP Courier Service, the delivery is tracked internally but is flagged at a higher priority level. Drivers are alerted by the control centre of a 'Time-Out' period by which the consignment must be delivered and 'off the system'.

Our VIP Courier Service is also a rush courier service but is not strictly point-to-point. Like Executive Courier Service, VIP Courier Service jobs are monitored by supervisory staff to ensure the driver observes an effective timetable. If requested by the sender, a call-back is made to the sender on delivery.

Executive Courier Service

Executive Courier Service is Allied's urgent delivery courier service. Executive Courier Service is monitored by a customer service supervisor. For city-only deliveries, a bicycle courier service is also offered for urgent document deliveries.

With our Executive-level Courier Service, the sender is alerted by phone of the drop-off time.

Gold Courier Service

Gold Courier is Allied's Premium Service. Pick ups are made by the first available vehicle and immediately delivered to the recipient. Deliveries are personally supervised by our Operations Manager and a phone call is made to the sender to vertify the delivery was made.

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